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Pat Jones has been a passionate advocate for superintendents and the golf industry for 30 years.

Now, as head of Flagstick LLC, he’s using that passion to help companies and organizations in the industry communicate with customers and drive sales more effectively and efficiently.

Jones has been a business media executive for most of his adult life, profitably steering the sales and editorial operations of Golf Course Industry, Lawn & Landscape, Golfdom and GCM over the years. He specializes in researching and tracking the state of the golf course maintenance market and shining a spotlight on the industry’s best people, practices and products. Jones got his start in the business running lobbying, public relations and fundraising for the GCSAA.

He’s best known for communicating candidly about golf, business and life as a writer, speaker and teacher. He is a frequent keynoter at conferences and industry events and often teaches classes on social media, communications and career development.

Jones lives and works in Cleveland.

Pat Jones